
That Independent Feeling

Wasn't it on a cool, crispy night like this when you stood on this very soil in anticipation of his words?

Wasn't it on a night like this, 44 years ago, when you felt the slight breeze blowing through your soul, as though even nature were trying to blow away your might?

Wasn't it on such a night as this when all the beings in the land, man and animal alike, seemed to sit in a breathless silence in wait of that special moment?

Yes, it was on a night like this, when his voice rang through the night fighting against the wind, lighting the fire that already burned inside you.

Yes, it was a night much like this when the nation set aside their words and skin for one special moment when only the blood that coursed through their veins seemed to matter.

Yes, it was a night like this, not long ago, when the stars twinkled a little brighter as though to congratulate all those that had the very same stars twinkling in their eyes.

Yes, it was on a night like this that few years ago when only a single word gave birth to a countless stream of tears that washed away their pain, sorrow and hardship leaving only hopes and dreams to be fulfilled.

As I stand here on this very night, I find my own cleansing tears fighting their way out as we did so long ago.

And as I stand on the very soil that they had on that fated night, the breeze no longer tries to wash away our whispers, but seems to whisper the words themselves in victory.

By: Babysista

Copyright Crazysun ART. All rights reserved

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