
Name: Myself In Scream - Razorart
Maker: Hermelin
Release Date: 10-29-2001
Note: I made this one for the Razorart **selfportrait'' theme It represents the darker part of me i might do a light one later. This dark part represents me and how im just about to explode because of how the world is today. Let's start with the music industry. Most of the artist today are making their ''so called music'' just beacuse of the money i mean they dont really have anything to share in their lyrics (if they even have lyrics) all they are singing about is practicly howmanytimesdoyouhavetolickme beforeicu m,letmetouchyou,iloveyou,youleftme and all that, not really deep stuff right. Now some of you may think: come on man, it's music they are playing it everywhere. But what of an image is for example Britney Spears for the kids or just grown ups. What doe's the kids think when they see her dancin like a stripper in her super tight clothing and megamini shirts? I mean it's just like porn she's practicly screaming: come and get me. Sex is just ruling the world and it's being disused, sex is supposed to be something exiting and a bit tabu, that's what's makes it's as exiting as it is, but now when we are fed with it every day it's just not the same anymore and it really does'nt show a good image of a woman for the young boys. But the music is just a tiny bit of the terror we're living in. Now i'd like to talk about parents. Everytime there's a ''high school massmurder'' incident or anything else, the parents blame something else than themselfes, they say: oh no it's not my fault that he went out and shot the whole neighbourhood it that movie he saw. Now movies or stuff like that don't hurt your mind exept if your a sick guy, if you have been sexually abused or abused in any other way or just never spend any time with your parents when your were young the chances are that you will get physic porblems when you grow up and then you feel rage and anger. Thats what makes people kill. If you have had a good life and you are happy watching violent movies won't hurt you. But the parents don't want to get the blame so they blame television,movies,videogames ect, the though that maybe their responseble for the whole thing just dont appear in their
heads. I onse saw a dokumentary of parent hitting their children to make them sick in order to try to take care of them and then people would think that they were really good parents who could take care of a sick child. The world is just so fucked up.



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